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Jawline Acne

Jawline Acne

Article by Angela Haldane

Q I am 34 years old and I have acne like a teenager. Mainly around the chin and it worsens with the monthly cycle. How can I clear this up?

A. When acne occurs on the jawline and has a hormonal pattern, herbal medicine and clinical nutrition is most effective in correcting this. Seek advice from your registered medical herbalist or naturopath. Natural Ange
Some herbal medicine cannot be taken if you are already taking some form of hormonal medication, e.g. the contraceptive pill, mirena IUCD.
There are other useful herbs to enhance liver function and elimination.

Quality practitioner nutritional supplements can be prescribed to accelerate the healing of pimples, reduce scarring and reduce the oil build up in the pores.

Blind pimples on the jawline and neck can be treated with certain minerals. Try the mineral assessment on this website (on the home page) to see if you are lacking.

Otherwise, fresh fruit, big salads with protein, e.g. fish or boiled eggs and eight glasses of pure water help to keep good skin. If you have any food allergies / intolerances, it is helpful to avoid these as this can compound the problem of acne.
Read about our Allergy management.

Exercise such that you sweat. Cleanse with products specific to acne.
I can recommend the Kiwiherb blemish gel  - ask Natural Ange

Posted: Thursday 27 May 2021